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The purpose of this website:
1. Share simple, clear points to prove God exists and Christianity is true.
Click on "Points" to see the topics.
2. Suggest resources to help you with your spiritual journey
Check out two of my books that use an exciting fictional story to share compelling reasons to believe God exists and Christianity is true.
Click on "Resources" to see other recommendations.
God is real and He loves you...enough to die for you.

Seven steps to heaven:
IMPORTANCE: With eternity at stake, there is nothing more important than the truth about God.
TRUTH: There is only one truth about God; and, our preference is irrelevant.
GOD: The evidence that God exists is compelling.
JESUS: There is strong evidence that Jesus claimed to be the Son of God and was resurrected from the dead.
BIBLE: There is strong evidence that the Bible is historically reliable and divinely inspired.
RESPONSES: There are good answers to common objections raised against Christianity.
DECISION: The purpose of life is to make a decision about the eternal destination of your soul – choose your own way (hell) or accept God's salvation (heaven).
Links to videos (Christian Apologetic classes):
Oct 29 2023 - VIDEO: Class 8 (Jesus is the only way)
Oct 22 2023 - VIDEO: Class 7 (Objections about Jesus)
Oct 15 2023 - VIDEO: Class 6 (Morality)
Oct 8 2023 - VIDEO: Class 5 (Morality)
Oct 1 2023 - VIDEO: Class 4 (Atheism Deflections)
Dec 18 - VIDEO: Class 14 - Near Death Experiences
Dec 4 - VIDEO: Class 13b - God is the source of logic!
Dec 4 - VIDEO: Class 13a - A Christian case for Pro-Life
Nov 27 - VIDEO: Class 12 - Christian hypocrisy? No!
Nov 20 - VIDEO: Class 11 - Why is Evolution FALSE?
Nov 13 - VIDEO: Class 10 - Why isn't God more obvious? Is eternal punishment fair?
Nov 6 - VIDEO: Class 9 - Why does God allow evil?
Oct 30 - VIDEO: Class 8 - Why believe Jesus is God?
Oct 24 - VIDEO: Class 7 - Did Jesus claim to be God?
Oct 21 - VIDEO: Class 6 - Why believe that God inspired the Bible?
Oct 10 - VIDEO: Class 5 - Did the Bible authors tell the truth?
Oct 2 - VIDEO: Class 4 - What is the Bible?
Sep 29 - VIDEO: Class 3 - Morality
Sep 22 - VIDEO: Class 2 - Beginning of the Universe
Sept 16 - VIDEO: Class 1 - Truth
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