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Why should we NOT delay thinking about this topic and making a decision about God?

Summary Point


This decision is urgent since we typically have no idea when we are going to die and we could miss precious time serving God and sharing the truth.
  1. We typically have no idea when we are going to die.

    • Although the average life expectancy is estimated to be about 79, you never know when you will die.1 There are hundreds of thousands who die at various ages.

    • Of the 2.6 million deaths in 2013, over 900 thousand were under the age of 70.2

    • There are many people who die unexpectedly. For example, in 2013, 130,557 people died of unintentional accidents, including 35,369 due to motor vehicle accidents.3

    • Even without the statistics, we all know that something bad could happen to us any time. With our eternity at stake, it is utterly irrational to postpone researching the truth about God.

  2. We could miss years of opportunities to serve God and discuss this important topic (salvation) with family, friends and anyone else who needs the truth.

    • To dismiss this topic to later in life, not only risks your potential destination, but all the people you could have potentially helped, including friends and family.

    • A large percentage of young adults walk away from their faith. It is very possible they wouldn’t if they were aware of the evidence:

      • In the book Already Gone, a Barna survey was referenced that stated that about 61% of young adults who had once been churched was now spiritually disengaged (e.g., not actively going to church, reading the Bible or praying).4

Links to external resources on this topic:

Anchor 1

Sources (complete reference information provided on SOURCE PAGE):

  1. Detailed Tables for the National Vital Statistics Report (NVSR) “Deaths: Final Data for 2013.” – taken from - Table 8.

  2. Ibid, Table 4.

  3. Ibid, Table 13.

  4. Ham & Beemer, Already Gone, p.19 quotes George Barna

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