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Why do you have "Natural Rights"?


Ketanji Jackson Brown is the newest member of the Supreme Court. Since this is the highest court in the U.S., it’s interesting to consider the ideas that may influence their judgment. I have already taken issue with Ms. Brown’s lack of an answer to the question “What is a woman?”, so I feel bad picking on her testimony again. But I have to do it – she said something else that was stunning.

What is the issue?

  • During a senate hearing, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tx) asked Ms. Brown “Do you hold a position on whether individuals possess natural rights, yes or no?”

  • Her response, “I do not hold a position on whether individuals possess natural rights.”

  • Wow! That non-answer actually says a lot!

  • It’s not that she doesn’t believe in rights; rather she seems to be questioning the source of human rights.

  • Let’s discuss further…

What do we mean by “natural rights”?

  • A “right” is something we are entitled to.

    • Moral rights include: right to life and freedom.

    • Constitutional rights in the U.S. include: right to free speech and freedom to practice religion.

  • The question is: where do moral rights come from? God? Society? Government?

  • “Natural rights” is the view that human rights are NOT granted by government, but rather a source that transcends people – God.[1]

So what are the implications of Ms. Brown not supporting “natural rights”?

  • First, her non-answer is contrary to a foundational idea of this country. In the Declaration of Independence, the founding fathers referred to natural rights:

    • “…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…”

  • In declaring our independence, the founding fathers appealed to certain basic rights coming from God, NOT humankind.

  • Second, the implication of denying “natural rights” is significant. If certain basic rights do not come from God, then they come from people; and consequently they can be taken away by people.

Why do you have “Natural Rights”?

  • You have rights because you are valuable! You are made in the image of God and have great worth.

  • According to the Bible, humans are created in the image of God.

    • Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” (Genesis 1:26 NIV emphasis added)

  • Moreover, Jesus affirmed the point that human beings have more value than living animals.

    • So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. (Matthew 10:31 NIV emphasis added)

  • Because you are valuable in the sight of God, you have certain “natural rights” such as a right to life, right to free will, etc.

Summary Point:

  • You have natural rights because you are valuable – created in the image of God.


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07 mai 2022

As our nation and the world becomes more God-less, the progressive world view becomes increasingly “unnatural.”

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