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The Predicament of Humankind


I admit it – my family has enjoyed Disney’s movies, television shows and the Florida theme park. So I took notice of a story last week when people called Disney hypocrites. I will discuss that story, but I really want to focus on a controversial social media post that pertains to the condition of humankind.

According to the Bible, all of humankind is depraved and in need of a Savior.


The Mandalorian is one of Disney’s hit shows on Disney+. My family enjoyed seasons 1 & 2. The story and action were entertaining and baby yoda is very likeable.

But last week, one of the actresses, Gina Carano, was dismissed from the show, apparently for controversial postings on social media. Frankly, I‘ve not read all of her postings, but it is a recent post that garnered significant news last week that I want to discuss.

Below is what Ms. Carano posted, which are strong words that I don’t repeat lightly:

"Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by children. Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views"[1]

Lucasfilm, owned by Disney, said that Gina Carano is no longer employed and there are no plans to employ her; but also condemned her comments.[2] Those who support Disney’s decision, contend she has posted other offensive material; and, that this post was highly inappropriate as it compared the terrible circumstances the Jews encountered in Nazi Germany with political division in the U.S.[3]

But there are many who defended Gina. Some said her post was not meant to be insensitive; one defended Gina, saying her point was that Nazi crimes were committed because of hatred of people, and conservatives are currently being demonized.[4] Others who supported Gina argued that Disney is being hypocritical because the main actor on The Mandalorian, Pedro Pascal, has also posted controversial material; and, so far, has received no reprimand. Apparently, Mr. Pascal posted something comparing President Trump’s immigration policy to Nazi Germany[5]; and, another post that compared Trump supporters to Nazis and Confederates (which is now deleted).[6] Although he was critical of Trump, the postings have been seemingly ignored.

That Disney seems to support liberal leaning policies is not news. However, the apparent, blatant double standard has infuriated some who are taking action with their wallets, canceling their Disney+ subscription.[7]

Clearly this is a polarizing topic. On one side, I understand that we need to be careful about the comparisons we make, especially when it involves tragedies or evil crimes against humanity. Conversely, one reason we study history is so we learn from it and do not repeat harmful actions.

What is more important in the U.S. – the Constitutional right to free speech or ensuring we do not say something that might be deemed disrespectful? It seems as though the latter is winning in today’s culture.


What caught my eye about Gina’s post above was the following:

“…the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews…”[8]

Is this true?

According to Fred E. Katz, a professor and Holocaust survivor, the majority of evil crimes committed in Germany during World War II were by ordinary people.[9] A book by Christopher Browning (Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland), also made the point that ordinary people committed terrible acts, and it was not because they were afraid of retribution if they disobeyed.[10] Dr. Clay Jones, a professor at Biola University, has written a book about the problem of evil that documents multiple heinous crimes committed by humankind.[11]

How can people be capable of hating another group of people? Treating them with such disdain? Is humankind really capable of such atrocities? It is one thing to say that Nazis committed heinous acts, but regular people, like neighbors of Jews, participated in evil actions?

According to the Bible, all people, regardless of ethnicity are capable of doing evil actions. Consider the following Bible verses:

  • For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23 CSB)

  • Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous, no one who does what is right and never sins. (Ecclesiastes 7:20 NIV)

  • If we say, "We have no sin," we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say, "We have not sinned," we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us. (1 John 1:8-10 CSB)

Whoa! I recognize that sounds harsh, but according to the Bible, that is the condition of humankind.

Someone might contend that people are capable of so-called little sins, but not heinous crimes. However, the Holocaust books mentioned above suggest otherwise. Ordinary people are capable of terrible acts – all of us. Perhaps it is fear of consequences that keeps most of us from succumbing to all of our sinful desires. But even if we don’t commit heinous acts, we all do wrong – our guilty conscience confirms it.

How is it that people are capable of doing both evil and good? How can the same person carry out actions that hurt as well as acts of kindness? Any worldview needs to provide a reasonable explanation for this paradox; and Christianity does so. According to the Bible:

  1. Humans are VALUABLE & CAPABLE OF GOOD because they are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27).

  2. Humans are CAPABLE OF EVIL because they are morally corrupt from sin, which started with humankind’s first rebellion – original sin (Genesis 3, Romans 5:12).

This is the predicament of humankind. According to the Bible, we are depraved, morally corrupted by sin, and this separates us from a Holy God (Isaiah 59:2). Fortunately, God did not leave us without hope. He descended in the form of a man, to die for our sins and provide salvation to those who put their trust in Him.

Summary Point:

  • According to the Bible, all people are sinners and in need of a Savior.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]Clay Jones, Why Does God Allow Evil? Compelling Answers For Life’s Toughest Questions(Harvest House Publishers: Eugene, OR), 2017, p.60 quotes Fred E. Katz, Ordinary People and Extraordinary Evil: A Report on the Beguilings of Evil(New York: State University of New York, 1993), p.10. [10]Clay Jones, Why Does God Allow Evil? Compelling Answers For Life’s Toughest Questions(Harvest House Publishers: Eugene, OR), 2017, p.61. [11]Clay Jones, Why Does God Allow Evil? Compelling Answers For Life’s Toughest Questions(Harvest House Publishers: Eugene, OR), 2017

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